Below follows a summary of our achievements last year. 2022 was like we all know a strenuous year for the whole world. We were almost done with a long and challenging pandemic when a devastating war broke out in Europe. A war that has had tremendously grave consequences for many of the poorest countries in Africa. All necessities became more expensive. Groceries, school-fees, transport. Health services, rent, fuel etc. In 2022 3,8 million citizens of Zimbabwe did not have enough food according to World Food Programme (WPF).
Since the war in Ukraine broke out, food prices have risen enormously. Inflation in Zimbabwe rose from 98.5% to 243.80% in 2022. This is very difficult to imagine. In comparison the inflation in Norway rose to 5.9% in 2022. For a nation this raises enormous challenges for its peoples. In addition to this international aid-budgets were cut, including the Norwegian budget.
There are almost no available jobs in Zimbabwe. We often hear about highly educated people that are selling packets of biscuits or clean car windows in the cities to survive. One must work hard to earn as little as NOK 50 per day. Amongst those that formally have a job (5-10%) the average salary amounted to approximately NOK 1.500 per month in 2022. This entails that basic nutrition ends up being de-prioritized for the family-unit, for them to be able to upkeep expenses and to keep roof over their heads. Children are, as a direct consequence being taken out of school.
Anyhow, even if we in 2022 had to make heartbreaking priorities, we do have some happy tidings to share! Our projects are solid, thriving and sustainable, and we are achieving progress. We take our hats off to our team in Zimbabwe who work tirelessly under duress and struggle against all odds and manage to achieve so much with so little. We also want to extend a sincere thank you to all our donors and sponsors. Without you this simply would not have been possible!
It is with excitement we share the results of the projects you have been supporting in 2022. Sabona is immensely grateful for all help from you. It means the world. Thank you!
Education is still Sabonas highest priority. 348 vulnerable children and adolescents has received education through our school-program. (School fees, school material and uniforms). These are often orphaned. We also put great emphasis on information around the importance of education, to keep motivation up, and to make sure families do not pull their young out of school in dire times.
1.300 schoolchildren (4 schools) received one nutritious meal every weekday first half of 2022. Ergo 26.000 meals were served each month. This action is a big incentive for the parents to prioritize sending their children to school.
Unfortunately we had to cut down the school-luncheons to three days a week after summer in 2022 due to high inflation combined with difficulties to get funding for this home in Norway. Our goal is to increase the volume back to serving lunch five days a week in 2023!Sabonas annual Christmas campaign aimed to allocate money for food during the holidays, it managed to save Christmas for 300 housholds, in other words, close to 2.000 people had food on their tables as families gathered during the festive season. We also threw the children a Christmas-luncheon at our four schools. Chickens stew were prepared and the children had a ball with food, dance and activities, along with a memorable end of the last term of the year 2022.
All our 11 boreholes are functioning optimally, in addition we repair several other boreholes in the area. This creates local jobs and shows that teaching locals maintenance, works. It shows that the local communities are getting self-sufficient and that it is possible to keep livestock and crops alive and thriving for long periods, despite the ongoing drought. Not to forget; that approximately 10.000 people benefits from this with clean water, and it makes it much easier for households to collect water. (Traditionally women and children perform this strenuous task). The fact that all our boreholes are fully functioning is vital and fantastic!
In total, Sabona has created 60 new jobs in 2022, this means that in total 451 men and women have been provided with decent work through Sabonas projects. This impacts our goal to eliminate poverty and it creates hope.
Sabonas chicken-projects is a huge success. Our revenue has fundamentally soared through 2022, and it turned out that there is a demand for our produce from local safari lodges, supermarkets etc. During fall of 2022 vi purchased, with funding from a donor 1.000 chicks to Sabona Development Center (SDC) and they were all sold swiftly. That is majorly good news! In addition, we have 4 smaller chicken farms that contributes to generate income for various groups of people with special needs (e.g HIV).
Sabona is focusing on education and how to achieve sustainable management in all our operations. These projects contribute with urgently needed jobs, access to food and long-term profits from new batches of chicks purchased with revenue from the previous batches.Sabonas vegetable gardens are highly functioning, and they contribute to sustainable development in the villages. P.T we are selling vegetables to local businesses etc.! This has been made possible solely due to our focus and investment in local agriculture and our boreholes in the local, rural community.
Our sewing-groups had commissioned several substantial orders to produce baskets. The renowned design-house Slettvoll placed an order to purchase 400 specially designed and braided baskets, designed by the famous Marlene Birger. Our sewing-groups also produced traditional basked that we sell in our web shop. The women in Sabonas sewing-groups have created their own jobs and make their own money. For several years these women have inspired other woman AND men to found their own enterprises.
Sabona has provided monthly medical visits by our M.D. Sadly we have had to scale down this service. We have provided our two operating clinics with medical advice along with medication we have managed to procure for them. We have managed to contribute with a bare minimum, but sadly, barely marginally. Sabonas medical contribution covered approximately 10% of the actual medical requirement.
Sabona is also working with informational campaigns regarding HIV, teenage pregnancies and gender-based violence (GBV).
We are full of grit and committed to achieve a lot in 2023. Our goal is that every single one, in time will be self-reliant. It IS possible.
Time for lunch. Food station on the Lupote-school.
Wonderful baskets give decent work.
All our projects contribute to employment and to a sustainable development in Zimbabwe
Access to clean water means a lot!
The chicken projects are developing in big scale.
The gardens are yielding largely thanks to our farmers.
Greetings from Zimbabwe:
Again, I want to thank you all our generous donors for the commitment you have shown over the past year and previous years. We have accomplished so much because of your love, kindness and generosity.
To team Norway and Zimbabwe our combined strength and dedication is what makes us successful as a team. May our teamwork continue to grow and strengthen even when we cannot be together physically. The team in Zimbabwe will in 2023 also focus on resource mobilization in order to assist team Norway with fundraising. We will have to adopt innovative approaches to fundraising as Zimbabwe’s economy is currently very weak and most companies are funding organizations or projects, they perceive to be most deserving of their support. We will also embark on income generation projects.
Tusen takk!!!!!!
Sabona Team
Thank y! Siyabonga (Means thank you in Ndebele)!
Many hugs from the entire Sabona-team in Zimbabwe!